Pritika Chowdhry
4 min read
A tribute to the multitude of Anonymous Nirbhayas, the hundreds of thousands of anonymous rape victims in India every year, and the hundreds of thousands of protesters that fought for justice for Nirbhaya, they are represented with their own mask, adorned with a bindi, lip color, kohl, and nose stud; an Indianized and feminized version of the Anonoymous Guy Fawkes mask.
Since Nirbhaya’s face was never revealed by her parents, and understandably so, I have chosen to have Superheroine Nirbhaya wear a mask similar to the Anonymous mask.
The Anonymous mask is an iconic symbol of protesters in the West and the Middle East during the Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring movement, respectively.
I felt that this would be a fitting way to depict Nirbhaya as representing an anonymous multitude of Indian women who have experienced rape and sexual violence and are rising up against this injustice.
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What to learn more about Nirbhaya project?
One young woman faced an unspeakable crime. In its aftermath, a legion of survivors and their allies gathered to fight against the everyday violence. What began in one country became a story that spread around the globe.
Through the art of the anti-memorial, a new vision of the victim can form into a hero — one reborn from extreme trauma into a symbol of hope.